Deepelec DP-666


I bought a DP-666 on a whim. I enjoy playing with these inexpensive portable radios, especially radios allowing me to flash new firmware. The radio is actually impressive. If for no other reason, the radio is worth every penny for its FM performance. Here are my FM logs.





You can control your radio from your PC. First you'll need to configure Wi-Fi. It's under Settings → Connectivity, then Configure Wi-Fi. Once connected you'll need to locate your radio's IP address. It'll probably look something like


Next you'll need an XDR-GTK client for your PC. You can find one for Windows, MacOS, or Linux here. Once installed you simply enter your radio's IP address.


Help, I Flipped the Screen

If the display on your DP-666 TEF6686 is upside down, do the following.

  1. Turn off the radio.
  2. Press and hold MODE button and turn the radio on.
  3. Wait for the confirmation message the display has been flipped.